Nebraska Vietnam Veterans Memorial


Location - Papillion, NE
Size/Capacity - 33,000 sq. ft.

Project Info

Client - NE Vietnam Veterans Memorial Foundation
Category - Government

The Nebraska Vietnam Veterans Memorial is divided into multiple areas to honor the 396 Nebraskans from all 5 branches of the Armed Forces, who died or are missing in action in the Vietnam War.  To education and commemorate the main events and phases of the Vietnam War, our design honors and remembers the Nebraska natives.

The project includes a memorial plaza area with a steel structure supporting the restored UH-1 Huey Helicopter above a bronze statue scene representing wounded soldiers being rescued.  There are eleven memorial obelisks, multiple flagpoles and benches. You’ll find a garden area which becomes an oasis for quiet reflections surrounding a V-Shaped block of granite listing the names of the 396 MIA/KIA Veterans.

There is an education area designed to break down the main events of the War & American History of the Era on an Obelisk pillar.  It depicts each of the eleven years of the war. Visitors have the ability to scan QR codes to learn more.