Project Info
Filling a nationwide gap in the “continuum of care” of America’s health care delivery system, the Carriage House Assisted Living concept is designed for individuals who do not need skilled nursing home care but are unable to continue living independently. These single story prototype facilities house 39 ADA accessible living units (studio, alcove and one-bedroom) for a total of 24,532 square feet.
Each facility is adapted to seven different sites across Nebraska, with rezoning assistance provided by Prochaska & Associates on each site. Residential construction creates a home-like atmosphere while minimizing building costs. Individual kitchenettes in each unit plus a beautifully finished congregate dining / kitchen area afford meal options to the residents. Mechanical and electrical systems are engineer by Prochaska & Associates to be compatible with any of the seven sites.
There were a total of 6 locations built for the Carriage House Corporate Office:
Seward, Beatrice, Nebraska City, Norfolk, Wahoo, York